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Week 9


  • Add a loading icon when the we reach at the end of the list and more options are loading.
  • Format Notification Count Label in Home Screen Notification Icon.
  • Add subscription for collection sent messages.
  • Write a blog post detailing my Glific project and my contributions during this period.

Screenshots / Videos



Added load more indicator component🔗
Implemented functionality to format notification count🔗
Added Collection sent subscription🔗


As we approach the conclusion of the C4GT program, I have been focused on finalizing my project by addressing bugs and implementing missing functionality. This week, I had the valuable opportunity to engage in meaningful discussions with my mentor regarding the entire project and my future aspirations. Additionally, I've authored a blog post in which I shared my two-month journey, provided a concise project description, and outlined the project's structure and architecture for prospective contributors. blog post